Humanoid Robotics Festival

Colegio de Ingenieros del Perú



Centro I+D+i en robótica de NFM Robotics


Keynote Speaker

PhD Oussama Khatib

Stanford University


International Accreditation
(1st, 2nd and 3rd place) RoboChallenge | Minihumanoid Triatlon (1/2)
(1st place) LARC | IEEE Humanoid Robot Racing (HRR) Compete directly to the 4th finals
First place prize: S/350

International Accreditation
(1st, 2nd and 3rd place) RoboChallenge | Minihumanoid Triatlon (2/2)
(1st place) LARC | IEEE Humanoid Robot Racing (HRR) Compete directly to the 4th finals
First place prize: S/350

International Accreditation
(1st, 2nd and 3rd place) RoboChallenge | Mini Sumo
First place prize: S/300
The 1st place winner participates in the raffle that covers part of the airfare to the RoboChallenge in Romania.

International Accreditation
(1st place) LARC | IEEE Very Small Size Soccer VSSS Compete directly to the 4th finals
First place prize: S/400

International Accreditation
(1st, 2nd and 3rd place) RoboChallenge | Line Follower
First place prize: S/300
The 1st place winner participates in the raffle that covers part of the airfare to the RoboChallenge in Romania.

First place prize: S/350

First place prize: S/350

First place prize: S/300

Registration and payment to participate in the tournament | Robot Pilot


RoboCup Brasil

Robótica Perú

Silicon Valley Robotics



IEEE Sección Perú

Universidad Nacional de Trujillo


LPZ UCB-Mecatrónica

Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá

Robotics Creators Bolivia

Cempai de la URP

Registration and Payment

Please select a category

Organizing Committee

Nícolas Figueroa

CEO NFM Robotics

Raul Benites

Director, Ing. UNMSM

Carlos Nina

Vice-chair IEEE RAS Perú

Marco Cabrera

Secretary Director, CIP